Keeping your documents and papers at Datasafe is much safer than keeping them at your own office. Crisis management planning experts recommend storing your archive outside the institution. In this way, you ensure that your workflow continues uninterruptedly even in the event of a disaster.
Datasafe facilities are equipped with a high security system 24/7. Entrance and exit are tracked with an authorized card access system.
Recording is done with closed circuit cameras 24 hours a day. Only authorized personnel have access to the areas where your archive is stored. You minimize the risks of losing and wearing out your documents.
It allows you to access a document you created years ago more quickly, effortlessly, and cheaply when you want. It frees offices from being used as storage space. More office space remains for your business. It restricts access to documents containing your company information, only those with permission can access your documents. In Datasafe's specially designed facility for archiving, your documents are protected against disasters such as fire, earthquake, flood, theft, pest infestation, temperature and humidity changes.
- Physical Storage and Management
- Backup Storage
- Digitalization
- Secure Destruction
- Supply Material Sales
- Datasafe takes your archives from your office, places them in archive boxes produced for archiving in a certain order, and transfers the spines to your inventory where you can view them in the Smart Archive Management Program whenever needed for each folder.
- The boxes are brought to the Datasafe Facility and shelved.
- In case of need for the document, the previously authorized company officials request the folder.
- With the work order, the folder requested from Datasafe is taken down from the shelf and if physical delivery is requested, it is delivered with Datasafe Courier.
- If virtual shipment is requested, it is scanned by the Scanning Staff and uploaded to the account of the authorized person in the Smart Archive Management Program.
- When necessary, all the department's documents are digitized and this valuable information is correctly processed, stored, and managed with a document management system (DMS) program.
- When the legal storage period of the document expires, it is safely destroyed without leaving the Datasafe facility with the approval of the company official.

- As an Archive Management Center, a building specially designed with earthquake-resistant steel shelving system suitable for archive management.
- Authorized card access system for each area. Logging of all accesses.
- NFPA standard regional operational Sprinkler (ESFR) fire extinguishing system (on each floor, between shelves and boxes), supported by 3 special pumps (diesel, electric, and jockey pump).
- A destruction machine capable of destruction according to European standards through shredding method and a special area with no electricity and no risk of fire for storage.
- Continuous recording ability throughout the day with 110 closed-circuit cameras. Specially trained permanent live security and continuous outdoor lighting.
- Preservation with special archive boxes resistant to water, moisture, and impacts, smoke detectors and early warning systems, temperature and humidity control, pest control.
- Provision of ideal storage conditions where our clients can store their backup cartridges (LTO), equipped with FM 200 gas extinguishing system, magnetically protected, air-conditioned, humidity and shock sensor equipped areas can be allocated.
- Professional Indemnity, Information Security Insurance (a first in Turkey), ISO 9001, ISO 27001 certification.